Tuesday, 18 September 2007

Inn Valley, Tirol, Austria

The Inn Valley (Inntal) looking east.
Innsbruck is situated towards the top of the view at the point where the valley turns to the left.
En-route London/Gatwick to Zakynthos, Greece 16 September 2007

Monday, 10 September 2007

Sunset over Belgium

Glorious sunset as we pass overhead Brussels at FL360 (36000 feet) on our return to London-Gatwick from Taba, Egypt.
7 September 2007

Taba, Egypt

Approach to runway 04L at Taba, Egypt.
Taba is 2400 feet above sea level and beyond the mountains in the distance is Israeli airspace.
7 September 2007.

Faro, Portugal

Final approach to runway 10 at Faro.
6 September 2007